by Shlomo Dharma
January 22 -26, 2020 | Tustin, CA
BodyFlow takes participants through a deep transformation of the body, heart and mind. World-renowned healer Shlomo Dharma’s method of multidimensional therapy (MDT technique) focuses on cleansing the physical body during a four-day liquid fast while aligning the heart and mind to higher levels of consciousness. MDT combines diverse modern and ancient healing methods, such as fasting, dance, yoga, breath work, various forms of meditation, and integrative group work, all purposefully designed to create a truly enlightening experience.
Whether your intention is weight-loss, detoxification, greater vitality, deeper body awareness, or just open curiosity to an amazing experience… these 5-days cannot be captured by words, but is felt deeply by every participant!
MDT Technique
The MDT technique effectively treats the four dimensions in which we live:
Physical - Juice Fasting - return vitality to the body by detoxifying the digestive and hormonal systems at the cellular level, while also engaging in exercise and special movements, to open the body and strengthen the core muscles.
Emotional - enhance ones quality of life by learning and practicing the release of tension and anger, through various therapy methods (Re-birthing breath work, Tibetan Medicine Pulse and more ...)
Mental - knowledge and understanding of a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and how to make it a way of life.
Spiritual - the cleansing process is a clear synergistic process. The sum of this process brings us to the whole state of deep relaxation, tranquility and openness between the individual and his fellow man.
Components of The Intensive
Liquid Fasting - based on smoothies and juices, containing natural cleansing products, such as herbs, to break down the body’s toxins, at the deepest levels
Movement Practice - featuring “Morning Bliss” - a combination of breathing, dancing, Pilates, yoga and meditation
Energy Healing - using color, sound and smell in a Mandala structure
Re-birthing Workshop - using the technique of circular breathing, enabling physical and mental relaxation, and opening blocked emotions and energy
Fascinating Lectures - for deeper understanding and knowledge on body functions and nutrition
Why Detox Your Body
Cleanse mental and physical toxins
Increase energy levels and strengthen immune system
Help liver to release poisons and fats
Relieves symptoms such as allergies, migraines, skin conditions, gas and heartburn
Increase focus and clarity
Create an opening to move through deeper dimensions of healing
We have intentionally designed the schedule of the cleanse to allow you to stay connected to your every day life. We know it is not always possible to “leave it all behind” as you take some time to take care of YOU! BodyFlow has been attended by mothers with young children, top executives, business coaches, yoga teachers, entrepreneurs, students and more.
There are several ways to move through this experience:
Leave it all behind: Mark these 5 days off of the calendar as private retreat time. Use the breaks in-between sessions to rest, enjoy a massage, walk on the beach, journal, etc..
Some participants even chose to arrange their own overnight accommodations even though they were close to home.
Work remotely: Keep a little distance from work, but stay in touch via phone and email to those matters which are essential. Allow some space for self-care, quiet time and rest.
Stay in the game: Arrange meetings and regular workload to fall during the 4-hour program break period. Because of the fast and cleanse, please know you may feel tired, spacey or disengaged, so it is not considered a good time to make major decisions. However, people have successfully stayed engaged at work while moving through the 5 days.
Tentative Daily Schedule:
Wednesday, January 22
9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 23
7:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. and 4:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Friday, January 24
7:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. and 4:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Saturday, January 25
7:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. and 4:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Sunday, January 26
7:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. and 1 - 3 p.m.
Please feel free to reach out to Mahri Lusby if you have any additional questions regarding details of the retreat.